Winter ocean days

Recently I bought a new underwater housing for my DSLR and I really enjoy taking my gear and just jump into the water. This last December week, we are having calm days with no wind, no waves…just beautiful light…and cold temperatures!!!

Rifonian mythology

The little fish and the light

This is the story of the little fish who was used to swim in the deepest darkness of the oceans. But on day, curiosity pushed him to swim and swim up to the border where water becomes light.

He wanted to know what is beyond the surface.

Once there ,Goddess Thalassa afraid of loosing the little fish, asked Helios to blind him with light…

Goddess Thalassa was so upset, that petrify the little fish transforming him in a stone unable to swim again.


Makaha 2013  70cm x 25cm  2/6 +2 P.A.

Coming back to the salty water photography very soon…

My friend Jaime Gassner (from Galeria del Barrio in Chorrillos, Lima) awaiting the wave.

The grey Lima beyond.

Miró,origen revelat II

Son Boter #08   110cm x 131 cm  Ltd. Ed. of 5

“Without considering or realising it, the telluric force of the characters that live

within the walls of Son Boter and the atmosphere of the place came to his mind.

Knowing that the small details are in the grandeur of things, Rif has returned to

the place to search for these details, this connection with the creative genius of

Joan Miró, through the footprints and vestiges of his work, this time, on the floor

of the studio”. F. Copado.


Exhibition till sept. 2nd 2018 in Casal Solleric , Palma de Mallorca.

Miró, origen revelat_Feux d´artifice I, II & III

Starting from the same movement of the artist Joan Miró, some parts of the color pigments are now famous paintings hanging in great museums…but the other part, the one who didn’t stick in the frame…is now part of the oblivion, leaving in the darkness of silence.

This is the forgotten side of the famous Feux d´artifice I, II and III witch is exhibited in the Miró Foundation in Barcelona.

Son Boter#17 110cm x 320cm printed in Somerset 300gr Ed. 1/5